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Project Gallery

Children book series

Samson le Hérisson is a series of illustrated books for children placed in foster homes produced for the association Particip'Action. The series of books inform children from the age of 5 about how the placement works, promote discussions around it and support the implementation of the children's right to participate in the decisions made during their stay in the child protection system.

What I did

- Research and conceptualization of the project

- Character development

- Development and production of illustrations

- Writing of the text in collaboration with the proofreading committees and the pedagogical direction

- Graphic design and layout



- Mes premiers Pas au Foyer des Lilas, M. Le Dantec, C. Kamrath, C. Terrier, 2019

- Je vois Maman aux Tournesols, M. Le Dantec, C. Kamrath, C. Terrier, 2021




Perspectives in Foster Care
Development of an illustrated book

How to make complex subjects such as child protection accessible to a wider audience? This book uses illustration to communicate the emotions of the different people concerned by the child protection system (children, parents, professionals) in order to show their different points of view, their difficulties and their moments of joy, to understand the challenges and importance of this institution.

What I did

- Research and conceptualization of the project

- Development of the style and realization of the illustrations

- Graphic design and layout

Logo design

TerrASoliBé is a non-profit association that promotes exchanges between France and Benin, particularly with the village of Sahou. With the actors in the field, it contributes to the improvement of living conditions such as access to water and education. Its logo transcribes the human and constructive aspect of the association, as well as the weaving of links between the two countries.

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